Lawn Care

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Lawn Care

What can I use to remove moss in my lawn?
A popular, very effective product is Proctors Lawn Feed, Weed & Moss Killer, which does what it says. It feeds the lawn keeping it nice and healthy, while killing weeds and moss. If you have lots of moss though, I’d use Sulphate of Iron to kill the moss, and then feed the lawn. To do this, dilute 60grams of sulphate of iron in 10 litres of warm water, which should be enough to treat 18 square metres. Do a test area first, so as not to overdose. The iron will kill the moss turning it black, which can then be raked out. If you do overdose, the grass will turn black also, but it should come back within a few weeks. To keep moss at bay, use fertilisers with a small percentage of iron on a regular basis, especially in the autumn and winter months. Proctors Sports Ground SG5 is great for this.

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