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What is the granule size of SG5 Spring/Summer Outfield?
What is the granule size of Autumn/Winter 3-12-12 Outfield?
I have some fruit trees and shrubs which this year have not done very well at all. What can I do to get better results next year?
Fruits this year in general have been poor, due mainly to the wet weather, and not enough sunshine to ripen the fruit nicely. However, many people neglect their fruit trees when it comes to feeding them, and we would advise digging in fertiliser containing magnesium and trace elements such as Turbo Fruiter, to give them the best chance next season.
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I saw some of your Ice Away product, but it seemed quite expensive, why is that?
All the benefits of Proctors Ice Away over rock salt are on the website, but when it comes to price, it’s not as expensive as you’d think. Ice Away is 5 times more effective than rock salt, so you only need a fifth of the amount. When you look at it then, it’s really no more expensive than rock salt where you need five times as much.
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What can I use to remove moss in my lawn?
A popular, very effective product is Proctors Lawn Feed, Weed & Moss Killer, which does what it says. It feeds the lawn keeping it nice and healthy, while killing weeds and moss. If you have lots of moss though, I’d use Sulphate of Iron to kill the moss, and then feed the lawn. To do this, dilute 60grams of sulphate of iron in 10 litres of warm water, which should be enough to treat 18 square metres. Do a test area first, so as not to overdose. The iron will kill the moss turning it black, which can then be raked out. If you do overdose, the grass will turn black also, but it should come back within a few weeks. To keep moss at bay, use fertilisers with a small percentage of iron on a regular basis, especially in the autumn and winter months. Proctors Sports Ground SG5 is great for this.
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Can I order direct from Proctors?
We don't usually sell direct to individuals, as our minimum order is usually one tonne, 50 bags, of mixed commodities. This is usually too much for most people, however, we can do 25 bags on request. If you’re able to take this amount, please contact us by phone, and we’d be happy to talk to you.
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I don't need 50 bags; can I place a smaller order?
Yes, this can be arranged; We can do as little as 25 bags, but delivery costs affect the prices. Please contact us by phone for smaller order prices.
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I'm setting up an allotment shop; please can you tell me what your bag sizes are?
Proctors fertilisers are available in 5kg tubs and 20kg bags, although there are a few exceptions that come in 25kg bags.
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Do you sell any organic fertilisers?
Yes, we stock Hoof & Horn, Dried Blood and Blood, Fish & Bone, all of which are organic. We are also launching an approved organic range endorsed by ‘Organic Farmers and Growers’. These will be available soon, so watch this space.
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Do I need to return the pallet from my delivery?
No, these are non-returnable. There are some creative ways to recycle them though, with people making chairs, tables, raised beds, and as border edging.
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What is the application rate for Lawn Feed, Weed & Moss Killer?
Should I do a patch test before spreading?
It is advisable to do a small patch test to ensure your spreader settings are correct and to avoid excessive use and wastage.
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What's the best way to store my fertilisers?
Fertiliser should be kept in a dry, clean, tidy, dry and secure shed/building away from sources of heat and combustible materials and chemical substances. DO NOT permit smoking or the use of naked lights in the storage area.
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I'm thinking about growing my own vegetables, what is the best all-round fertiliser?
Without knowing your soil type, or its condition, I'd use general purpose fertilisers such as Growmore or Blood, Fish & Bone to get going.
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Are there any herbicides in your products?
I've just purchased some Pony Paddock fertiliser, how long should I wait after spreading before putting my horses back in the field?
Although we recommend removing them whilst spreading, there is no time limit, so the horses can go straight back on after spreading.
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How can I get an allotment?
You can find allotment sites by contacting your local council’s parks and open spaces department. If your local site is privately run visit in person and speak to the person in charge of letting plots.
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I see your bags are bio-degradable. Will they fall apart if I don’t use all the fertilisers straight away?
No. The bags are designed to be as strong as a normal bag, but they have been produced to degrade faster once they are buried. Depending on the conditions, this could be anywhere between 5 to 8 years. This might still seem like a long time, but most bags of this size and strength take 100s of years to degrade. Our tubs are not bio-degradable, but they are made using recycled plastic, and we encourage washing and reusing them.
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Featured products
Autumn & Winter Lawn Feed 3-10-5 20kg Bag
A fertiliser that is often overlooked, but all good lawns need an Autumn/Winter feed as well as the summer feed most of us do without question.
£38.10 incl VAT
Autumn & Winter Lawn Feed 3-10-5 5kg Tub
A fertiliser that is often overlooked, but all good lawns need an Autumn/Winter feed as well as the summer feed most of us do without question.
£18.54 incl VAT
Blood Fish & Bone 5.5-8-6 5kg Tub
This organic based powder fertiliser, is an excellent alternative to Growmore.
£16.11 incl VAT
Calcified Seaweed 1000kg (40x25kg Bags)
The cycle created by this organic fertiliser is a significant reason for its importance.
£1,452.00 incl VAT
Compost Activator 20kg Bag
Create your own nutrient rich compost with this gritty, organic based powder compost activator.
£23.64 incl VAT
John Innes Base 20kg Bag
This specialist fertiliser was developed by the John Innes Institute as a balanced fertiliser base for soil based composts.
£42.60 incl VAT
Lawn Feed, Weed & Moss Killer 2000 10-2-1.7 + 8% Fe 20kg Bag
A cost effective micro-granular fertiliser for control of moss and weeds, including broadleaved weed species, while feeding grass for a lush green lawn.
£41.28 incl VAT
Pony Paddock 5.5-8-6 20kg Bag
This specifically formulated organic based fertiliser is for use on Pony grazing paddocks.
£38.88 incl VAT
Poultry Manure Pellets 1000kg (50 x 20kg Bags)
Used as a non-chemical fertiliser, poultry manure pellets vary in analysis, but typically contain 3% Nitrogen, 2% Phosphate, and 2% Potash, as well as trace elements.
£954.00 incl VAT
Poultry Manure Pellets 20kg Bag
Used as a non-chemical fertiliser, poultry manure pellets vary in analysis, but typically contain 3% Nitrogen, 2% Phosphate, and 2% Potash, as well as trace elements.
£28.68 incl VAT
Poultry Manure Pellets 500kg (25 x 20kg Bags)
Used as a non-chemical fertiliser, poultry manure pellets vary in analysis, but typically contain 3% Nitrogen, 2% Phosphate, and 2% Potash, as well as trace elements.
£552.00 incl VAT
Poultry Pellets 1 tonne bag
A 1 tonne bag of UK produced poultry pellets. Ideal for adding nutrients and organic matter to improve plant growth and soil structure, releasing their nutrients slowly and breaking down naturally to improve the fertility
of the soil.
£618.00 incl VAT
Poultry Pellets half tonne bag
A half tonne bag of UK produced poultry pellets. Ideal for adding nutrients and organic matter to improve plant growth and soil structure, releasing their nutrients slowly and breaking down naturally to improve the fertility
of the soil.
£378.00 incl VAT
SG5 Autumn & Winter Microfine 3-6-8 + 4% Fe 20kg
This 3-6-8 autumn/winter fine turf granulated feed has the added advantage of 4% Fe.
£39.18 incl VAT
SG8 Autumn & Winter Fine Turf 3-10-5 500kg (25x20kg Bags)
Economical, clean, high phosphate for good root growth.
£787.50 incl VAT
Soil Testing Service
Instructions on how to take your soil test, sample bag, and pre-paid envelope to send sample direct to independent lab. Test is for Phosphate, Potash, Magnesium and pH.
Results and recommendations are then sent via email.
£32.00 incl VAT