Soil Sampling

We all want the best from our soil, so we can make the most out of our efforts. But are we applying the right fertilisers? Knowing your soil type, its pH, and its major nutrient content, is essential if you want to achieve the best results possible. It helps you to choose the right products for application, and can save you money in the long run, by not applying expensive nutrients that are not required. The major nutrient levels you need to check are Phosphate, potash and Magnesium, along with a pH test. At Proctors, we use an independent laboratory for all our soil analysis. Recommendations are then supplied by the laboratory, using the RB209 fertiliser regulations to calculate them, so you can be confident you are getting the right advice. The RB209 covers crops, paddocks and vegetables, but not lawns and sportsground pitches. However, knowing your P and K levels in turf, along with the pH, will allow us to advise you on the correct fertiliser, and application rate, for your specific lawn or sportsground site. Our soil sampling service costs only £15 per test, where we will send you a sample bag and instructions, along with a pre-paid envelope, for your sample to be sent directly to the lab. We will then email you your results, typically 8 working days after the sample is received. If you’d like more information on soil sampling, please contact us on 01173 111217.

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Soil Testing Service

Instructions on how to take your soil test, sample bag, and pre-paid envelope to send sample direct to independent lab. Test is for Phosphate, Potash, Magnesium and pH. Results and recommendations are then sent via email.
£32.00 incl VAT
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